Pistol Squats

If you look back through some old posts you’ll see that fixing my wonky squat has been a project for the last year.  I have (I think, after much research and contemplation) weak thigh abductors relative to adductors and a weak glute on the left, weak quad on the right.  These imbalances may be due to scoliosis and/or a slight leg length discrepancy.  Or maybe I just like to hula when I squat, I’m not sure.

But to help fix it, I’ve been doing a lot of unilateral work, particularly pistol squats.  What one year ago was impossible, I can now rep for 10 on each side.  And because a friend jokingly challenged me to do so, I tried an overhead pistol squat with a bar.

But here’s the thing: while I don’t recommend adding this to your training regimen, per se, it’s a fun test that illuminates weaknesses.  Do you have weak dorsiflexion of the ankle that you compensate for by having great thoracic mobility?  Guess what, you’re gonna tip over when you’re on one leg.  Do you have powerful legs but crappy shoulder mobility?  Great mobility all around, but weak quads?  It’s a tipping you’re a going.

So give it a try if for no other reason than because it’s kind of fun and it might show you things about your snatch mobility that you didn’t know.  Personally, it made me feel a little badass.  Which then led to hitting 90% snatch singles which I had been missing in the past month or so.  Hooray!!!